Saturday, October 2, 2010

No More Average, Just Invisible.

Don't you hate how one little event can ruin your whole daily plan? So usually I skip breakfast and lunch, then eat as little as possible at dinner. Why do I do this? Because it's the only meal my parents are home for, therefore it is the only time they make sure I'm eating "properly." I expected today to be the same, but my dad is a farmer so his schedule is as flexible as they come. This allowed him to come home and cook us hamburgers, I can't remember the last time I ate a hamburger but I'm sure I regretted it and hated myself forever afterwords. Well I wasn't going to let my plan be ruined that easily, so I waited till my dad went back outside and feed the hamburger to my dogs. So I got out of day eating  697 calories, not bad but not good either. In fact that's too many. But enough about food and self-pity, I also practiced my guitar today. I think I finally have the rift down that my teacher wanted me to learn, but I still have a lot of work before I perfect my chords. The thing about the guitar is that I only practice it alone. Recently everything I've been doing, I've either been doing alone or wanted to be doing alone. I'm isolating myself and that kind of scares me. I never text my friends or talk to them outside of school, I hate when my parents get home, and the sounds of my brothers voices sometimes make me want to punch something. I use to get so depressed when I couldn't talk to anyone, now everyone is giving me opportunities and I just want to be alone. Maybe I'm just trying to find myself, maybe I'm sick of being defined by the people around me. To be honest I don't know who I am, or what I want. I just want to be left alone and figure myself out. Oh and to stop being bugged about my weight loss, that would be nice too.


  1. Thank you.

    I'm sorry you've got people in your business about your weight =[ I can't stand that

  2. If you don't like people (everyone has their phases/preferences) then don't talk to them.
    Or at least... that is what I do when I don't want to be around people. I let them hang around me, because I know what it is like to be alone when you don't want to be, but I don't speak because talking to people annoys me.
