Friday, December 24, 2010

Suicide Dream

So I'm a pretty big fan of NBA basketball and the Boston Celtics are one of my favorite teams, well last night I dreamed that one of there star player had died tragically. Then out of his grief another one of the star players committed suicide and then the third of the "big three" wasn't able to handle it so he shot himself. Also the guitarist of my favorite band in this dream was shot down in an attempted murder but he lived. Really I don't know why I'm having dreams or thoughts of death, everything is going well so why is my mind haunted by these dark demons.


  1. Sometimes, dreams are opposite. Or maybe, sorry to say, that because things are going so well, there's something inside of you that's scared that those times might come to an end. But, as Freud said, sometimes "a cigar is just a cigar";)

  2. i used to have dreams of death alot when everything was okay and when im deppressed i have the weirdest dreams ever.. lol im no help am i ?
