Saturday, January 1, 2011


It's a New Year! Yesterday I thought my New Years plans might be ruined when I went out and saw a blizzard taking place, but I got to my friends house and we had a pretty good time. There where a few awkward moments (well at least for me there were) because I don't feel comfortable telling her anything personal anymore. I really lost my reason to trust people especially her. So my resolutions look basically like this.
  1. Lose Weight
  2. Save Money
  3. Get a Boyfriend (yes that is a stupid resolution)
  4. Get a Job
  5. Help out more
  6. Eat less (can't put that, recovery)
  7. Exercise more
  8. Find out about myself
  9. Get my anger under control
  10. Make Friends
  11. Quite being antisocial
  12. Keep my grades up. 
  13. Practice guitar more
  14. Find a style
Yeah so nothing to interesting, but I have a lot, hopefully I'll succeed in most. Take Care.


  1. good luck with your resolutions:)

  2. Good Luck you can do it!! No resolution is too little or too stupid!! It means something to you so that is IMPORTANT!!

    There are no limits to what you can achieve in your life.

    Bree =)
