Thursday, February 10, 2011

I Lost My Future

Yesterday mom was really crabby and making everyone around her as miserable as she was, well after making me cry three times, calling me worthless, and grounding me for nothing, she told me I have no collage savings. None. My dad spent it all. This caused me to go into a meltdown and I ended up crying in the laundry room for an hour. Already I have been confused about what I was going to do with my life after high school, but now I don't even what to think about it. Collage is expensive, and I'm to stupid to get a scholarship. Plus I don't even know what I would be going to collage for anyway. Basically last night I realized all of this, with that I'm done trying. If I'm going to have a crappy life anyway, why should I work hard now? I have so much I'd rather be doing. I'll most likely kill myself before the age of thirty anyway. School really isn't going to make a difference in my life. I'm done. My future is hopeless.


  1. Lexi, don't think that way. It's not too hard to get loans, and some schools give you about $3000 just for going to school. Plus, unlike high school, you get to choose your courses in college, and you can learn about what you're interested in! Once you do that, you'll most likely find an area that you're interested in that you can major in. You still have plenty of time to think about it, so don't rush yourself :)

  2. I know how you mom thinks that I can pay for myself through college because I'm THAT fucking brilliant. I have two $100 savings bonds but that's it. I have no idea how I'm going to get through college, I'm terrified.

    Perhaps talk to your guidance counseler? They're there for a reason!

  3. There's always student loans. That's what I have. You might even be eligible for grants depending on your financial situation. Keep your head up.
